The plugin triggers several events that can be captured in Bubble workflows to execute custom actions:
picker_opened :
Triggered when the picker opens as a popup window.
file_selected :
Triggered when the user has selected files and they have been processed successfully.
download_started :
Triggered when starting an automatic download (action "download").
share_completed :
Triggered when the file-sharing action has been completed.
move_completed :
Triggered when the file-moving action has been completed.
picker_closed :
Triggered when the picker is closed.
account_switched :
Triggered after switching accounts (when using the "switchAccount" command).
manage_accounts_invoked :
Triggered when account management is invoked (e.g., opening the Microsoft Account URL).
session_expired :
Triggered when inactivity is detected and the user's local session is closed.
error :
Triggered if an error occurs during the process (e.g., authentication failure or error retrieving files).
Each of these events can be used in Bubble to configure custom workflows that respond to the plugin's actions.
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