3. Exposed States
The plugin publishes several states that can be used in Bubble to react to changes or display information:
- file_urls : URLs of the selected files.
- file_ids : Identifiers of the files obtained from Microsoft Graph.
- file_sizes : Sizes of the files.
- selected_ids : List of IDs of the selected files.
- parent_drive_ids : IDs of the drives (main folders) of the files.
- thumbnails : URLs of file thumbnails.
- file_extensions : File extensions (e.g., .jpg, .pdf).
- mime_types : MIME types of the files.
- file_names : Names of the files.
- created_dates and last_modified_dates : Creation and last modification dates.
- download_urls : Direct URLs to download the files.
- webUrl : Web URL to view the files in OneDrive.
- share_links : Links generated for sharing files (if the "share" action is used).
- initialized : Boolean state indicating whether the picker has been initialized correctly.

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